
NFTs on Ethereum Mainnet
Tokens on Polygon
Game Logic Off-chain

art style
High-Quality Pixel


Web3 Gaming / Meta Economy

Fantasy / Sci-Fi

Massive Co-Op Multiplayer

Web3 Usage
Tokenomics: We don't have just one or two tokens that power our game economy, but a huge variety of tokens can be traded amongst each other. All tokens follow prices determined by supply and demand, creating a decentralized meta economy.
InterOps: Everyone is talking about interoperability between web3 projects; we're doing it. It’s at our core to integrate tokens from other projects (like $banana from Cyberkongz) to power our economy. Our tokens will create the building blocks for the metaverse and our future games, building the framework for further token integration.
Ownership: Owning game assets gives you the power to use them however you like. You can play with them; you can trade them; you can lend them out. It’s up to you. At the same time, owning an asset from Angry Dynomites Lab will open the doors to our community, and you will become part of our team.

Fire Dynos. Supply 500
Drop: June 22
Mint price: 0.07 ETH
View on OpenSea
Water Dynos. Supply 1500
Drop: October 22
Mint Price: 0.07 ETH
View on OpenSea
Earth & Air Dynos: Coming Soon

Collect - Craft - Build - Improve

similar games
Little Alchemy

Gaming Veterans paired with Big Tech
Headcount: 10
Product, Tech, Art
Community & Growth

Create an open meta economy that connects games and creates the building blocks for the metaverse

A meteor is crashing into earth and wiping out the human race. At the same time, Dynos are reborn, populating the destroyed world. They are clumsy and not very smart and therefore need the help of the players to survive.

We are creating a game genre that will fully utilize all blockchain opportunities to create fun & unique game mechanics.
Angry Dynomites Lab will create a game for everyone. You don’t need to own an expensive NFT, nor do you need to pay high gas fees to play the game. Regardless, owning an NFT will make you an important player who powers the whole economy by distributing tokens.
Community is the biggest asset of web3. We will create a co-op multiplayer game that unites web3 communities in our game world.
All in-game tokens are produced by Dyno NFTs , of which there is a limited amount. Token supply is increasing at a constant rate, but we have many token sinks that reduce supply and create a sustainable economy.

Craft a vast variety of resources to create a new civilization that helps the Dynos succeed
Work with the community to trade materials and support each other in creating new objects & buildings

Player Motivations
Get better, bigger, faster. Create more crafting lines that will produce more and more resources
Compete against other players and rise in leaderboards. Gain extra rewards by being on the top
Work together with other players and identify ways to benefit from each other
Constantly optimize your crafting lines to generate the best yield
Find out how the story of the Dynos continues with the completion of each Masterpiece

Grinders: Players who love to grind can create new resources with a higher yield, but they need to put significant time into the game
Smart Optimizers: Players who love to put a lot of brainpower into the game can optimize their crafting lines and look out for arbitrage plays
Passive Enablers: Players who believe in the game and want to be part of it, but don’t have enough time to play the game regularly, can enable other players by distributing tokens from the NFTs they own

Mission + Focus
Web3 games should be fun
- The first programs that attracted many people to PCs were games
- The first apps that had millions of downloads on smartphones were games
- Now, games can be the catalyst to bring mass adoption to web3
With Angry Dynomites Lab, we want to contribute by showing the web2 world that web3 games are fun. Only then will the mass market adopt NFT gaming and, ultimately, web3.

Our Focus
Create a fun and everlasting game for everyone without borders
Fun: In web2 gaming, players spend $200bn a year to have fun. However, a lot of web3 games focus on play-2-earn and gamefi. We believe there is a much bigger opportunity to board that $200bn market to web3 with fun games.
Everyone: The community is the greatest asset that web3 has. We want to unite the community in an engaging and cooperative game experience. With our game design, we want to ensure that even with smaller pockets everyone can start playing the game. Players don't need to buy expensive NFTs, nor do scholarship models need to be established. At the same time, we want to give good incentives to players who want to spend more money. Players can also decide how much time they want to spend in the game. It is designed to be engaging for everyone, no matter how much available time you have. You can either play:
Passively: Buy & hold Dynos and let them generate tokens.
Actively: Build up your production empire and optimize it in short intervals.

Forever: Our goal is to create a long-lasting game, a game that never dies, an evergreen game. We are very committed to building a community of players who share the same frame of mind, believe in the vision, and have fun with the game. In addition, we need to establish a sustainable decentralized game economy. The economy will be balanced by an open market, regulated by supply and demand. At the same time, while we do not inflate the currencies blindly, the game itself will have enough sinks to burn these currencies. Ultimately, this will create a sustainable game economy that can last forever.
Borderless: Blockchains offer an open and decentralized platform where users genuinely own their assets.We want to utilize the platform entirely and connect our games to other projects. Integrating their tokens into our game and establishing good partnerships creates win-win-win situations for all participants.
Dynos + Elements
Let's welcome our Dynomites!
Fire, Water, Air, and Earth
- The Angry Dynomites Lab is made up of four Dynomite NFT collections, which all differ by their element type: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth
- The first collection that will be dropped is the Genesis Fire Dynomite Collection, which has a limited supply of 500 NFTs
- Corresponding to their element, each NFT produces a token: $fire, $water, $air, or $earth
- Depending on their rarity, Dynos will produce a varying amount of tokens per hour

The Elements 🔥💧🌱💨
The 4 elements will be the base tokens that power the game economy
- The ERC-20 tokens can be claimed via Polygon and deposited to your wallet
- Element tokens can be transformed into material tokens using Factories

Producing New Materials
The Factories
- Factories can be built and upgraded inside our game, Craft World
- Factories produce higher tier materials from element tokens or lower tier materials
- Every factory can be purchased with in-game currencies. The tokens will be burnt in the process

Factories either...
...use one element or material as input to produce one type of output material...

...or use a list of ingredients to produce one type of output material.

In order to transform materials using Factories, you can install the game on your mobile device, available on iOS and Android, or play directly in the Browser.
Example Production Lines
- Factory one produces heat from fire, factory two produces lava from heat, and so on
- All factories channel their outputs into a storage unit
- The storage units are connected through a system of conveyor belts to supply other factories with resources

Clearing Areas
- To build factories and craft higher tier resources, new areas need to be unlocked
- To unlock a new area, a minimum player level is required
- Once unlocked, the area needs to be cleared, which requires a certain amount of time

Upgradable Factories
- Factories can be upgraded to increase the input and output capacity, production speed and yield
- Upgrading a factory requires in-game currency.

Community unite!
Materials will be assembled into Masterpieces
- Masterpieces represent important objects needed for the Dynos to escape earth and start a new civilization
- In order to build up Masterpieces, players need to spend materials
- Masterpieces require a lot of materials, so the community needs to work together to build them up
- There is only one Masterpiece live at a time

Masterpiece progress will be tracked inside the game

- Experience building huge Masterpieces alongside other players in real-time
- Watch the flow of resources as other players contribute to the Masterpiece, to determine your winning strategy
- Band together with other players as Squads, and support each other by sharing resources
Creating Masterpieces pays off
The more you spend, the more likely you are to win
- Upon completion of a Masterpiece there will be a raffle between all players who spent materials
- There will be 100 Masterpiece NFTs handed out to the raffle winners depending on the amount of materials they spent - the more you spend, the more likely you are to win one or more Masterpieces
- The Masterpieces come with rarities, which determine their strength: 1 Legendary, 10 Rare, and 89 Common

Masterpieces benefit you
Get Rewarded
- Every owner of a Masterpiece gets rewarded by a daily $dyno token drop, depending on the rarity of your Masterpiece
- $dyno can be staked to boost your element and material production

Masterpiece Season
Part of a bigger objective
- Masterpieces are grouped into seasons
- Each Masterpiece is part of a bigger objective
- Season 1 will be about assembling a rocket to escape earth
- The progress will be visualized inside the game
- After each season ends a new season will start and will be unlocked inside the game

Example Masterpiece

Player Base
Your Slice of the Dyno World
Build your base!
- Each player has their own personal player base
- Build and upgrade a variety of buildings in your base to unlock new game content and production boosts
- Construction requires materials adding another token burn mechanism

Expand and Specialize your production!
- Scale up your material production by building more Labs
- Specialized Labs allow players to focus on specific materials
- Support your growing crafting empire by building additional Dyno housing
- Choose wisely when deciding what to build next, as building spots in your base are limited!

Game World
A World Worth Exploring
Discover a vibrant massive multiplayer world
- Your player base is part of a vast and dynamic multiplayer world
- Watch other players craft, trade and contribute resources to the Masterpiece alongside you, in real time

Gather elements with your Dynos
- The game world is scattered with deposits of raw elements
- Scout the land to discover the best mining sites
- Dyno NFT holders may assign their Dynos to deposits, extracting elements gradually
- This provides a mechanism for holders to increase the token generation of their Dynos
- Deposits are finite and will deplete over time

Better Together
Join forces with other players
- Players can join a guild to engage in large-scale material production
- Guild members can collaborate and craft together using a shared Guild Lab
- By working together, guilds can achieve a higher material output than any individual
- Guilds can acquire Factories for special materials that can only be crafted by guilds
- Since these special materials are needed for Masterpieces, guilds play a vital role in the game’s ecosystem

Level up your guild and unlock perks
- Crafting together earns experience points for the guild
- As the guild levels up, new guild perks become available
- Being part of a guild pays off: Guild perks include powerful production boosts for its members
Guild governance powered by the blockchain
- Guilds can unlock their own, unique Guild Governance Token for distribution among its members
- Holding these tokens grant members voting rights on major guild decisions
- Guild members may vote on what materials to produce as a guild or which guild perk to unlock next
- Successful guilds can even opt to “go public” by selling some of their governance tokens to external parties, allowing them to participate in voting

Global Research
Dyno Tech
Advancing the dyno civilization together
- The community collaboratively unlocks boosts und new game content for all players through a global tech tree
- To research a technology in the global tech tree, players contribute materials
- Once a technology is fully researched, its effect is activated for all players
- Occasionally, players may have multiple technologies to choose from for research. By contributing materials to a specific technology, players are effectively casting their vote on the future of the dynos!

Player Content
Create, Share, Inspire
Fostering creativity for endless possibilities
- Players have the power to shape the dyno world through user generated content
- For instance, players can create their own unique factories, defining both the required input and resulting output materials. They can even introduce entirely new materials

- Likewise, players can design their own Masterpieces, showcasing their creativity
- Players who make their custom designs available to the community get royalties in the form of in-game currency when others produce their designs

- An important use case for player generated content is customization, enabling players to craft diverse decorations and skins for their player base and dynos
This section applies to the fire collection and all upcoming collections: water, earth, and air.
Dynos have one of three rarities: Common, Rare, and Legendary.
This creates a greater variety of Dynos and lets players decide how much they want to spend to acquire a Dyno.
Common Dynos will likely sell for a lower price on secondary markets than legendary ones. Thus, people can start by buying the cheaper common ones and be able to afford rare and legendary ones at later stages. This will enhance player satisfaction as they progress, which is vital to keeping players in the game.

Distribution of rarities
Common: 65% of all Dynos produce between 5-12 tokens per hour. Although creating fewer tokens individually, they build the base supply by generating close to 55% of all tokens.
Rare: 25% of all Dynos produce between 13-15 tokens per hour. Rare Dynos form a solid middle, generating roughly 30% of all tokens.
Legendary: 10% of all Dynos produce between 16-20 tokens per hour. However, being the strongest, they only make about 15% of the total token supply.
To establish a good base level, we set the minimum number of tokens per hour to 5 for common Dynos. Rare Dynos produce up to 15 tokens, making them up to 3 times stronger, whereas legendary Dynos are up to 4 times as strong as common ones. This way, we create a good balance of legendary Dynos being rewarding while also making common Dynos produce enough tokens to play the game.
With the distribution in mind, we want to establish a solid middle ground, with a Dyno producing around 11 tokens on average. Most people will get a medium-strong Dyno, with outliers at the bottom and top.
To make it super exclusive, we decided to only have 1% of all Dynos produce the maximum of 20 tokens per hour, so their owners can be particularly gratified.

Handling tokens
All element and material tokens are created and used for playing the game. You can still transfer tokens to your wallet, but they shouldn't be seen as a store of value or investments. Once you hold them in your wallet, you can exchange them with players for other tokens outside of the game. We are not responsible for trades on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, but we want to make you aware that the liquidity of the tokens is not high, and prices might be very volatile.

Token Generation
Suppose you couldn't mint a Dyno on the mint date and don't want to pick up one on the secondary market. You could still start playing the game by acquiring tokens from other players, making it possible for unlimited amounts of players to join the game.
Element tokens are only generated by holding Dyno NFTs. The Angry Dynomites Lab project might create additional tokens for promotional activities, but it shouldn't affect the overall supply. There won't be any other tokens distributed to the team, as these are not used for governance but only to act as a utility for playing the game.
Dynos will produce the same amount of tokens per hour among all collections. However, as collections differ in size (fire < water < wind < earth), the total supply of element tokens will vary, making $fire the scarcest of all. All Fire Dynos combined will generate 5645 $fire per hour. As there are no burning mechanisms available initially, the $fire supply will go up linearly.
Token Burning
Later, we will introduce two features that act as burning mechanisms for the tokens:
Factory NFTs are an essential part of the game. Players can only acquire Factories with element tokens or on the secondary markets. As we want to make sure that everyone can play the game, there is no limit to the number of Factories you can mint. Additionally, Factories come in rarities, and the scarcest ones will be tough to get. This will generate constant demand for Factory NFTs, leading to a continuous burning of element tokens. All element tokens will get burned in the process, making sure that supply is decreasing.
Masterpieces are the core objects of the game and will also burn tokens. Players need to work together to collect massive amounts of resources to create them. Players will be heavily incentivized to spend their resources on Masterpieces, therefore creating a powerful burning mechanism. As with Factories, all tokens will get burned in the process.

Slight Inflation
Our goal is to have very slight inflation of a few percentage points per year, creating a sustainable game economy. Because we control the costs of building up a Masterpiece, we can ensure that the right amount of tokens get burned.

A sustainable game economy
With many p2e games, the token issuance increases exponentially with the number of players entering, leading to an over-supply of game tokens. Unfortunately, this creates a death spiral as soon as player growth stagnates.
Our advantage: the issued element tokens are not dependent on the number of players playing the game. It's actually the opposite: players need element tokens to play the game, and the more players enter the game, the more tokens are burned.

Decentralized, Permissionless, True Ownership
Blockchain technology focuses on decentralization, true ownership, and being permissionless. This opens up a lot of innovative ways to create games. For the first time, digital assets can truly be owned by the end users and are not controlled by the game's creators. Players don't need to ask for permission on how they want to use their assets and can instead decide independently. Through the decentralization of the blockchain platform, no proprietary APIs or servers are needed to access the player's assets.
Economic Hub of the Metaverse
Integrating fungible tokens from other projects
As we truly want to utilize the capabilities of the blockchain, we want to break the boundaries and walled gardens between projects. Therefore, a core concept of our game economy is integrating fungible tokens from other projects and combining them with our native ones. We aim to create a game that acts as the economic hub of the metaverse, as we are confident that this creates win-win-win situations for all participants:
- For players and token holders: Tokens they already own from other projects can used in our game to have fun
- For NFT projects: There will be more utility and burn mechanics for their native tokens; demand will go up, and supply will decrease
- For Angry Dynomites Lab: More players will get onboarded to our game, helping to establish our vision of building a massive multiplayer co-op game!

Strong partners
For the first stage, we will partner with three well-known NFT projects and integrate their coin into our game economy. We will work closely together with them to spread the word about the newly acquired utility to their communities.
Creating Exotic Materials
Integrated tokens from other projects act similarly to our native element tokens ($fire, $water, $earth, and $air). Players can transfer the tokens to our game, which will be burned in the process.
There are two significant differences between our native tokens and the integrated ones:
- We cannot control the supply of tokens from other NFT projects, and many other drivers can affect the prices of these. Therefore, we will use an oracle that monitors the costs of the tokens compared to ETH. Depending on the price, you will receive more or less in-game tokens. As tokens are burned in the game process and we are not able to issue new ones, you won' t be able to be retrieve them at a later stage.Once you've transferred the tokens to our game, you won't be able to claim them back to your wallet anymore.
- Once the tokens are transferred into the game, they are no different than element tokens. Players can transform them into other tokens or merge them with our native ones. There will be special Factory NFTs available to make the process possible. Ultimately, they are directly or indirectly linked to completing a Masterpiece.

Let's help the Dynos escape earth and build a new civilization
If you want to support the project, reach out on Twitter or Discord.
Feedback is always welcome :)