Angry Dynomites Lab Logo



Step 1


Create a prototype to evaluate technical feasibility

Dynos produces elements for materials and masterpiece

Hold Dynos to collect the raw elemental resources  that power the game


Use elemental resources to craft a wide variety of new resources using Recipes

completedBuild + Exchange

Exchange crafted materials with the community and build a masterpiece to boost your production

Step 2


Use learnings of the prototype to build a high-quality game

Game World
completedGame World

Create Concepts for a 2.5D game world

completedCore Loop

Implement Collect-Craft-Build workflow in a state-of-the-art game engine

completedNext Level
Graphics + Sound

Bring the game experience to a new level  by integrating new effect, sounds and better graphics

Step 3

Inter Ops

Interoperability is integrated into the core of our game, creating win-win situations

LaunchMain net launch
coming soon

In DevelopmentIntegrate

Fungible tokens from other NFT projects will be integrated into the core game loop, acting as raw resources

coming upUtilize

Utilize the integrated tokens and combine them with Dyno tokens to craft a whole new set of resources

coming upCompete

Integrated partner projects are competing against each other to win the race to build Masterpieces. Huge prizes await + a special place for the community in our game world

Community projects using recipe books to craft new materials

Step 4


Expand the game with social elements to connect players inside the game

Communities and rankings
coming upConnect

Connect via socials  and help each other out with onboarding and strategies

coming upOrganize

Create guilds and level them up to specialize in the crafting of certain materials that members will benefit from

coming upLead

Rise in leaderboards  as an individual or a guild to earn extra rewards in organized seasons

Step 5

Meta Economy

with the core version of Angry Dynomites Lab, we will create a game economy layer that powers many new games and connects with the Metaverse

coming upEconomy Layer

We create a solid and sustainable meta-economy layer  that spawns many resources and materials

coming upConnected Games

We can create many types of resource management games  (strategy games, city builders, or RPGs) that are connected by the economy layer

coming upMetaverse

Projects can acquire plots to integrate their tokens into our economy hub,  forming an open economy that creates the building blocks for the metaverse

Elements and materials that fit like building blocks